1. Go to the plugins menu
From your WordPress admin panel click on "plugins" and then on "add new"
2. Search for "Social Oracle"
When you find a plugin named "Sales Notifications By Social Oracle" click on "Install Now". After installing the plugin, click on "Activate".
3. Click on "Social Oracle" in your sidebar menu
3. Copy your API key from Social Oracle
Copy the Secret your API key from the Social Oracle dashboard
4. Paste the secret API key into the text field
After clicking on "Save" a notification is automatically created for you. The last 30 WooCommerce orders are sent to our API and displayed on the store domain. If you want to edit this notification, go to the Social Oracle dashboard, find the notification and click on "edit".
If your notifications dashboard still says "Please activate your account" then try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work log out and log in.