Here you will find a guide on how to add a custom script tag to the <head> element of your Squarespace website.
1. Log into your Squarespace account
2. Click on ''EDIT SITE''
Hover over your website and click ''EDIT SITE''.
3. Open the ''Advanced'' menu
Select ''Settings'' from the left-hand menu and then click on ''Advanced''. This opens up the advanced menu.
4. Click on ''Code Injections''
From the advanced menu, select ''Code Injections''.
5. Paste your script tag into the ''HEADER'' text box
Copy your custom Social Oracle script and paste it into the ''HEADER'' text box. Here is an example script:
<script src="" async></script>
6. Click on ''SAVE'' to save your code injection.
If everything went correctly, your script tag should be loaded next time your site is loaded. Some scripts only work if viewing the website in ''Public mode''.
If your script tag is not showing up, try clearing your browser cache.