Title color 

The title color filed determines the title text color of the notification. You can opt to choose the default color or click on the color rectangle and choose a color to your own liking! 

For a specific tone, enter either the Hex number or RGBA numbers.

Text color

The Text color field determines the text color of the notification. You can opt to choose the default color or click on the color rectangle and choose any color you like! 

For a specific tone, enter either the Hex number or RGBA numbers.

Image URL 

To display an image with your notification, insert an image URL into the ''Image URL'' field. We will optimize the image size ourselves. Learn how to add an image to your notification. Here are a few webpages for free images and gifs to add to your notification: 

1. Icons8

2. Gifer

3. Flaticon

4. Freepik

5. Thenounproject 

6. Giphy

If you wish to add your own image to the notification, learn how to do that here.